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2004-12-23 - 11:05 a.m.

Snowed in. Yup...two days before Christmas, and I'm stuck in my house...tomorrow afternoon, I'm supposed to be leaving this winter deathland, and hitting the interstate for a three hour drive to my parent's house to spend Christmas Eve and Day with them and the rest of the family, but Mother Nature seems to have other plans. There's actually a Level 3 Snow Emergency in effect right now, which means that you can not drive unless you're an emergency vehicle...I could be arrested if caught outside in my car! Nuts! And the temperature keeps getting colder and the stuff isn't going to miraculously melt by tomorrow afternoon. All I can hope is that the plows can clear this stuff away and get some salt down. But who knows how long that could take?? As of a couple hours ago, the interstates still had a foot of snow on them! So I guess my Christmas plans are tentative right now at best.

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